Friday, December 7, 2007

Windy City Veteran in Iraq

WCVA's Milan "Mickey" Sipic shown here wearing a CPD t-shirt on Sadam Hussein's throne. Mick is a U.S. contractor serving in Iraq. He is also a Chicago police officer. Let's remember him and all the troops serving in the War on Terror during these Holidays. May God bring them home safely upon completion of their mission.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

C.C. Grove's Toys for Tots

Bridget Tully and Vice President Barney O'Reilly at the "Toys for Tots" collection point of C.C. Grove. WCVA proudly supports the American Knights and C.C. Grove. American Knights assist veterans in many ways to include fundraisers.

C.C Grove's Toys for Tots

Windy City Veteran's Vice President Barney O'Reilly and President Martin E. Tully showing support to the American Knights at C.C. Grove's "Toys for Tots" collection point. The atmosphere was loud and fun-filled as hundreds of bikers from everywhere came into drop off toys for tots.

C.C. Grove's Toys for Tots

WCVA's Mike Graffis and Bill "RAMBO" Walsh at the "Toys for Tots" collection point of C.C. Grove. Home of the American Knights Motorcycle Club.

C.C. Grove's Toys for Tots

VFW Post 450's Commander Joe Roberts at the "Toys for Tots" collection point of C.C. Grove.

C.C Grove's Toys for Tots

WCVA's Mike Graffis, Bill "RAMBO" Walsh and President Martin E. Tully at the "Toys for Tots" collection point.

C.C. Grove's Toys for Tots

WCVA's Vice President Barney O'Reilly with Bridget Tully at C.C. Grove's "Toys for Tots" collection point.

Toys for Tots at C.C. Grove

C.C. Grove, Home of the American Knights Motorcycle Club, crowded with motorcycles and vehicles in support of Toys for Tots.