Monday, November 17, 2008


Windy City Veterans Assoc. currently have these members serving in the Global War on Terror. Let us all remember them this Holiday Season.

Luis Rivera Jr. "Two-Gun"
Milan "Mickey" Sipic
Kristin Schenkel
John Shortall
Matthew Gill
Terry Norris

If you know of anyone who I forgot to list...let me know asap!!!

Godspeed one and all.

Manteno Bustrip 2008

WCVAs presenting a check for $8000.00 to Kathy Z. at Manteno. WCVA had a very successful fundraiser which enabled them for the second year in a row to donate $8000.00 to the disabled veterans. Sadly, this year's bustrip only had a total of 8 veterans go on the bustrip. ALL who went had a great time with beer, sandwiches, pizza and friendship.

Manteno Bustrip 2008

WCVA's Bob, Bob and Joey with Kathy and child at Manteno Veterans Home.

Manteno Bustrip 2008

WCVA's Ed, Thomas and Dan enjoying the visit to Manteno with the disabled veterans.

Manteno Bustrip 2008

WCVA veterans Joey, Bob and Mike walking around the Muenster, IN Memorial.

Manteno Bustrip 2008

WCVA veterans Bob, Nacho and Teddy at the Vietnam war Memorial in Muenster, IN.

Manteno Bustrip 2008

Some WCVA veterans at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Memorial Wall on the Manteno bustrip.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Our Dear friend Joe Roberts passed away 03 November 08.

As you know Joe was the former Commander of the VFW Post 450 Alsip, IL. Joe always attended veteran related events and will be missed. Joe was a proud Army Viet Nam veteran.

Godspeed Joe. Your pain is over......Rest in peace Joe.